Sunday, June 15, 2014

Puppies What A Green Surprise

A pair of dog breeders in the Spanish province of Valladolid were surprised recently when two puppies were born green. "I couldn't believe it when I first saw them," Aida Vallelado Molina said.
"I thought the puppies were dirty and tried to clean them, but the color wouldn't come off," said Molina, who breeds hunting dogs with her father in the town of Laguna de Duero.
The animals, born on June 3rd, were smaller and weaker than the other pups in the litter. One of them, a female, died shortly after birth while the male pup is still alive, but very weak. He is now beginning to lose his pigment.

The cause of the death of the dead puppy, and the reason for its odd coloring, are now being investigated by local vet Daniel Valverde. "There are no other recorded cases of this happening in Spanish scientific literature," he said after contacting Madrid's Complutense University. Valverde is now carrying out virological and bacteriological tests to try and find an answer.

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