Monday, June 23, 2014

Remember the Bus Driver Whose bible Stopped the Bullets of 3 Black Teens?

Well…He Lied
It was a hell of a story! Dayton, Ohio RTA bus driver Rickey Wagoner told police he was attacked by 3 black teenagers wearing hoodies after his trolley broke down in the early morning of February 24th. They stabbed him, they shot him…and as FreakOutNation reports, Wagoner said that “two of the bullets struck a copy of ‘The message,’ a modern-day take on the new testament, that the driver had stuffed into a chest pocket. It’s a miracle!” 
And oh how the mainstream media just ate this good christian story UP! All the major news networks fell over themselves to tell the world about the miracle of the hard working white Christian who faced certain death at the hands of the evil black man, but god intervened, saving Wagoner WITH HIS OWN DIVINE WRITTEN WORD!
Turns out Rickey Wagoner is just another racist bible-thumping sociopath. Yup, he lied, not about some of the story, but about ALL of the story. There were no black teens attacking him. In fact, he shot and stabbed himself. Seems the only thing that was true was that his trolley broke down. As The Dayton Daily News reports, RTA Executive Director Mark Donaghy had this to say:
After conducting a comprehensive investigation that has spanned nearly four months, the police department has concluded Mr. Wagoner fabricated his statements. All of us at RTA are angry at the thought that an employee would allegedly mislead the police, the public and us and use ugly racial stereotypes in doing so.
Police were suspicious from the start, when the 320 pound Wagoner claimed he had fought the teens ferociously, and had run several hundred feet, and yet was not at all out of breath when officers arrived on the scene. So not only is he a racist pig that hides behind his “delusion,” he’s also an idiot.

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