Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Gitmo 30 and the impeachment of the shrub

If wingnuts are furious about the Taliban prisoner exchange that freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the members of Team shrub are absolutely frothing at the mouth. Writing in the Washington Post, former shrub speechwriters Michael Gerson and Marc Thiessen suggested that at best, President Obama does not have the attitude that "we will fight you as long as you fight us" and, at worst, "is surrendering to the Taliban." Echoing the demands of the likes of Allen West and Faux News regular Jeanine Pirro that Obama be impeached, the shrub's last Attorney General Michael Mukasey declared that the "wholesale release of dangerous people" would merit removal from office.While not surprising from people who have been advocating the impeachment of Barack Obama for five years, the statements are nevertheless more than a little ironic. After all, under the shrub more than 500 detainees were released from Guantanamo Bay. And when the Supreme Court upheld the habeas corpus rights of the U.S prisoners there in June 2008, the shrub junta and its repugican allies issued dire warnings about the "Gitmo 30" who had already returned "to the kill."
The Gitmo 30 sound bite dates back to the summer of 2007, when the Pentagon released its own study to counter an analysis by Seton Hall professor Mark Denbeaux which questioned the intelligence value of Al Qaeda and Taliban personnel held by the U.S. The New York Times said the DoD assessment "paints a chilling portrait of the detainees," and quoted Pentagon spokesman Jeffrey Gorden on one of its key findings:
    "Our reports indicate that at least 30 former Guantanamo detainees have taken part in anti-coalition militant activities after leaving U.S. detention," he said. "Some have been killed in combat in Afghanistan and Pakistan."

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