Monday, July 14, 2014

51 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Los Angeles

Living in Southern California means living in the shadow of Los Angeles, or more precisely Hollywood.
Friends and family from other states inevitably ask you about L.A. when you live in SoCal, and they somehow assume we all know famous people, probably because if you live here long enough that whole "six degrees of separation" thing rings true.
Living in La La Land is a delightfully surreal experience, a surprisingly mundane experience, and a frustrating experience all rolled up in days of sunshine, traffic and movie star sightings.
It's surprising how little those who live in L.A. know about the city, and as a descendant of four generations of Angelenos I was surprised to find that many of the facts on BuzzFeed's 51 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Los Angeles were news to me! Read on and discover what lies beneath the glitz and glamor of Tinseltown.

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