Saturday, July 26, 2014

Anti-Immigration Rally Blows Up in tea party's Face

A racist anti-immigration rally, headlined by Kooky Kongressman Steve King - what could go wrong?
Iowa's Steve King is well known for his hatred of brown people.  Last July, King smeared 99% of immigrate children as drug mules, stating
kids that were brought into this country by their parents unknowing that they were breaking the law. And [immigration reform supporters] will say to me and others that we have to do something about the 11 million, and some of them were valedictorians. [...] It's true in some cases, but they aren't all valedictorians, they weren't all brought in by their parents. For every one that's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that they weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.
Julius Streicher couldn't have produced more hateful garbage. Well, with immigration bashing going around the clock on Hate Radio and Faux News, King decided to hold his own Klan hate rally in his home district of Council Bluffs, Iowa.
I mean, Saturday was a beautiful summer day across America, and how better to enjoy it than getting together with friends while eating hot dogs and attacking children of color.  Who could argue with that!?
And with the financial backing of wingnut welfare, as well as the right wing propaganda apparatus  to promote and market the rally, surely the crowd in Steve King's red district would be massive, wouldn't..... well, wouldn't?
Yeah, not so much.
Please proceed, Kongressman.

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