Friday, July 11, 2014

Burglar easily found as he was wearing company-issued shirt including phone number

Police didn't have a hard time tracking down a man who allegedly burgled two cars at a home in Delray Beach, Florida, as he had his employer's phone number printed right on his shirt.
Delray Beach police said they got a call from a woman who said that just after 8am on Monday, she caught a man on her security camera stealing two pairs of expensive sunglasses and a $100 Louis Vuitton coin purse from her cars, the police report stated.
Police looked at the video and saw a man wearing a shirt that said "I Got Wood LLC." The shirt also listed a phone number. When officers called that number, they reached the owner of I Got Wood, a flooring company. The owner told police that the man in the video was his employee Perry Martin, 55, of Coconut Creek.
According to the report, Martin walked away from a job site shortly before the time of the burglary. When police contacted Martin they asked him whether he was the man in the security video and he said he was. Martin has been charged with burglary, grand theft and violation of probation. He was held at the Palm Beach County Jail in lieu of $3,000 bail.

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