Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Burglar left home cleaner than before breaking in

An woman from Athens, Georgia, reported that when she returned to her home on Wednesday afternoon she found it had been burgled and also cleaner than how she’d left it, Athens-Clarke County police said. Sometime between 9:30am and 3:40pm someone entered the woman’s trailer at the Athens Mobile Home Court by removing a window screen.
The woman said after checking around, the only thing that seemed to be missing was a set of headphones valued at $85. She also discovered the kitchen floor was mopped, her cat’s litter box was cleaned, and trash was bagged and placed outside. The woman found items the burglar left in her home, including some pans, coffee mugs and a jar of instant coffee.

She told police “it was very odd to her that someone would break in and clean her kitchen,” according to an incident report. The woman told police the only person she could think of that might be responsible was a 26-year-old man she recently allowed to spend a night in her home. She said she did know the man well, and was acquainted with him through friends with whom she used to hang out and do drugs.
The man showed up at her home on Sunday night, drunk and possibly high, and she let him in after he banged on her window. She allowed him to spend the night. When he left on Monday he told the woman he was going to check into a rehab programme. The woman recalled that during his brief stay the man had mentioned her home needed a cleaning. She only learned the man’s last name because he left behind documents from a criminal case he had in Oconee County.

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