Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Did you know ...

That states that raised their minimum wage experience faster job growth
About how lunatic fringe wingnut extremists took over Texas
About the danger of conflating criticism of Israel with anti-sematism
About the troubling world of corporate 'christianity'
About Darth Cheney's campaign for Iraq war 3
That more than half of repugican cabal governors are climate deniers
That Democrats introduced a bill that could lead to SCOTUS impeachment
That trophy wives may not be a thing
A Missouri town discovers tourists don't like hanging around gun nuts
That Los Angeles is the wage theft capital of the united states
About the plunder of Detroit and iraq
That school kids are being restrained against their will
Here's inside the Koch brothers' secret billionaire conference
That the majority of the country don't need to hear from Sarah Palin anymore
About the alcoholic judges of broward county
That privatized education steals from the poor and gives to the rich
That the FBI under-reports rapes
That one quarter of America lives in high-poverty neighborhoods
Here physicists explain why your earphones are always tangled
That natural history is dying, and we are all poorer for it
About the rise of DIY abortion in Texas
About how wingnuts could make Elizabeth Warren president
About the bird that paints its eggs with bacteria

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