Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Did you know ...

This repugican cabal candidate likes to masturbate in other people's cars
About the 7 types of repugicans and how to debate them
About how the USDA helps McDonalds sell fast food
About why women need unions 
France passes the anti-amazon law
That the Anti Vac morons are putting us all at risk for the measles
Germany's windiest state set to achieve 100% renewable energy
Illinois clergy protests SCOTUS by handing out condoms at Hobby Lobby
These three monster black holes rumble space time
The pot farmers market opened in Los Angeles over the holiday weekend
That early last century nothing said 4th of July like tetanus
That we've been living in 1984 since 1921
About how to keep your dog happy during fireworks using science
That there really was a capt. Blackadder and lt. Baldric that served inWW1
Hey, let's call open carry gangs what they are: terrorists
That 75% of Americans say Iraqi war wasn't worth it
That 50 years after freedom summer, the voting rights act is needed more than ever
That since Newtown, at least 100 children were accidentally killed
Here's an interactive map of air pollution around the world
That the repugican cabal is the pro-death cabal
How corporations became people you can't sue

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