Saturday, July 12, 2014

Fact-Checking Site Finds Faux News Only Tells the Truth 18% of the Time

From the "Tell us something we didn't know" Department:

For liberals, it's not exactly "breaking news" to find out that Faux News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies.  Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the repugican cabal.
Punditfact, a branch of Politifact, has put together profiles for CNN, MSNBC and Faux News detailing just how honest each of these networks are.  And while it's obviously not a completely comprehensive profile (it would be nearly impossible to fact check every single thing said on each network) it's a decent measure of the honesty of each.
And what do you know, Pundifact found Faux News to have only told the truth 18 percent (15 of 83) of the time for the statements they checked.  And even of that 18 percent, only 8 percent of what they said was completely "True."  The other 10 percent was rated as "Mostly True."
A staggering 60 percent (50 of 83) comments were found to be either "Mostly False," "False," or "Pants on Fire."
The other 22 percent were rated "Half True."
Essentially well over half of what Punditfact has fact-checked on Faux News has been a lie and only 18 percent has been deemed factual.
To compare, CNN was found to have been honest about 60 percent of the time, while only having 18 percent of their comments found to be false.  As for MSNBC, they were found to have been honest about 31 percent of the time, while 48 percent of the comments they had fact-checked were deemed untrue.

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