Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fisherman embedded hook in rival angler's face in apparent case of rod rage

An angler in Torquay was left with a hook embedded in his cheek after a shore-based fisherman deliberately cast his line at his boat. Police are appealing for witnesses to the incident off Hopesnose at around 6.30am on Sunday, July 13. Jason Ould, who operates NJ Fisheries was mackeral fishing in his 19ft Orkney fastliner boat. It appears that the boat was deliberately targeted by a shore-based fisherman by ‘casting’ his rod in the boat's direction. The victim was struck and a large barbed hook was embedded in his left cheek. He said that the hook was weighted with a 2oz lead which could have caused a worse injury. Jason said: "If that had hit me between the eyes, that could have been very serious.
"I have a high pain threshold because I have been a fisherman all my life and I'm used to getting a hook in my hand but when it is other people putting your life in danger, it is a different story. I was very angry about it." He said that there has always been competition between sports anglers and commercial fisherman but the mood at Hope's Nose has changed recently.
He added: "It's not like it used to be and people shouldn't have to put up with these sorts of dangers." Jason said that there were a large number of shore based fisherman in the area at the time. Police are appealing to them for information to identify the offender who is believed to have left prior to police attending. Police are also advising anglers of the seriousness of such actions and the injuries that it can cause.

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