Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Founder Of gun nuts cabal Wants President Obama Assassinated

kathy perkins moms with guns

On Saturday, Kathy Perkins, the founder of a gun rights advocacy group known as Moms With Guns Demand Action, posted a photo on her Facebook page with a caption that read, “Where is an assassin when you need one?” The photo came from Faux and Friends First, Faux News’ weekend morning gabfest. The image showed President Obama eating BBQ in Texas alongside a photo of Governor Rick Perry riding on a border patrol boat. Perkins has since deleted the post. However, Alan Colmes’ website Liberaland was able to get a screengrab of it before she took it down.


Wow. What’s even more interesting than Perkins openly asking for someone to kill the President is that one person told Perkins to “message me later” in order to get more info on an assassin. It seems that Perkins and the lunatics she associates with are living in a twisted fantasy world where it is perfectly okay to publicly discuss the assassination of the nation’s leader.
While Perkins did take down the Facebook post, she attempted to defend herself somewhat with another Facebook post on the group’s Facebook page. Early Sunday morning she posted a private message she received from someone criticizing her regarding her advocacy for assassination. For some reason, Perkins thought the person’s message was extremely “vile, violent” and “evil,” and mocked him for contradicting the “non-violent camp’s” mindset. The person didn’t advocate violence but did use some strong language. Instead, his hope is that Ms. Perkins is visited by the Secret Service.
mwgda photoedited

Moms With Guns Demand Action is a hackneyed attempt by Perkins to latch onto the notoriety and exposure that the gun control advocacy group, Moms Demand Action, has attained. Just like other open carry and gun nut cabals, Perkins’ group is targeting MDA due to their ever-growing national presence. The hope is that by setting herself up as an opponent of MDA, she can maybe get herself some interviews on Faux News or other wingnut media outlets. Perhaps she can even sell some merchandise while she’s at it as her website offers lots of options, such as t-shirts, baseball caps and beer koozies.
I guess Perkins got her wish fulfilled. She’s now received notoriety. Of course, that notoriety is going to come with a visit from the Secret Service. Even if nothing happens on that front, she’s exposed herself as being someone not to be taken seriously. Instead of being a “TRUE stay at home mom” who is “an advocate for women, children, and all abuse victims,” she’ll now be known as another tinfoil hat wearing crazy who thinks Obama needs to be taken down before he comes and rounds up all the guns and places all the 'true patriots' in FEMA reeducation camps.

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