Thursday, July 10, 2014

'House of Scandal' haunts the repugican cabal

by Alexandra Jaffe

The House repugican "Scandal caucus" isn't backing down, and their defiance now threatens to hurt their cabal at-large.
Scott DesJarlais (r-Tenn.), Michael Grimm (r-N.Y.) and now, Vance McAllister (r-La.) have all resisted calls to resign and are running for reelection anyway. In some cases, their defiance jeopardizes the repugican cabal's hold on their seats, but they're all proving to be a stench to the cabal's brand.
Their persistence provides easy fodder for Democrats grappling for a message to give them the upper hand as they pursue the improbable task of picking up 17 seats in a difficult political climate. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee already launched a standalone site outlining the repugican cabal's "House of Scandal" earlier this year, after the news of Grimm's criminal indictment on 20 counts came out, and DCCC spokesman Josh Schwerin said they won't let that message drop.
"repugican leadership promised zero tolerance but instead has taken zero action to deal with their members' seemingly endless ethics problems," Schwerin said in an email. "With the scandals piling up, voters can clearly see that House repugicans care more about staying in power than in governing responsibly."

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