Sunday, July 13, 2014

Men on an adventure broke into school and stole Fruit Loops

Two young Florida men were arrested for allegedly breaking into an elementary school and stealing some Fruit Loops breakfast cereal. Logan Brown, 18, and Christopher Ramos, 20, from Hernando County, both face felony burglary charges. Deputies say the pair decided to "go on an adventure" and break into the Challenger K-8 School in Spring Hill last Thursday. Brown and Ramos say they've exposed some serious security concerns at the school.
"They should have kept their roof locked. That's a big security problem there," Brown said. Brown and Ramos explained that last Thursday, they dressed in dark clothes and masks because they went to a nearby landfill to find Brown's phone that he apparently lost. Seven hours later they found the phone, and "we were kind of excited. We were like 'yea, this is cool. We're already dressed up. Let's go somewhere,'" Brown said. They said they went to Challenger K-8 to see what has changed since they graduated several years ago. "Basically, we scaled a three-story wall, went in through the roof hatches and walked around," Ramos said.
The school is equipped with dozens of security cameras, which captured their adventure down several hallways, through an auditorium and into the cafeteria. "The Fruit Loops were in the cafeteria," Brown said. The men said Fruit Loops were not why they went to the school, but the tasty snack was definitely an added bonus. "We weren't in search of Fruit Loops. I know that's been a big thing. Everyone's been saying we were looking for Fruit Loops. It just so happened that there were Fruit Loops there. We got a little bit hungry, and ate some Fruit Loops," Brown said.

The sheriff's office posted two surveillance photos of the men inside the school holding individual boxes of Fruit Loops. Several people were able to identify them. The sheriff's office said Brown and Ramos were smoking marijuana, and school officials said they found broken beer bottles on the roof. The school plans to address their unlocked roof hatches and doors. Both Brown and Ramos bonded out of jail about five hours after they were booked in on Tuesday. They've since offered to replace the Fruit Loops they are accused of stealing.

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