Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mitch McConnell Gets Busted Mitt Romney Style on Tape Hating Women and Students

Sexism is over and American students need to get over themselves! mitch mcconnell
Another tape, another busted, out-of-touch, entitled repugican.
Mitch McConnell (r-KY) thinks that whilst running against a female candidate — Alison Lundergan Grimes (D-KY) — on a cabal platform infamous for its War Against Women, he ought to inform female voters that he has no intention of granting them this preferential treatment they seek with equal pay, etc. Oh, and he also thinks students need to get over themselves.
McConnell smugly informed voters in Buckner, Kentucky that 50% of women voted for him last time and he gave them no preferential treatment so hey. It’s in the bag. Per Leo Weekly, “The last time I ran I got 50 percent of the women votes in the state. So I don’t grant the assumption that we need to sort of give preferential treatment to the majority of our population, which is in my view, leading and performing all across the… you know, maybe I’m missing something here.”
You see, in the World According to Mitch, those barriers are gone. Everything is great for women, which is a huge relief because it means that the repugican doesn’t have to do anything legislatively for them. With his dismal voting record, McConnell has an added incentive to believe his own fictional account of the status of women.
Leo Weekly got their hands on the tape and thus were able to confirm and elaborate on the entitlement. It’s epic, and should be a must read for Kentuckians. The Grimes campaign were more than happy to round up a few of the choice quotes.
Sexism is over, by Mitch McConnell:
“We’ve come a long way… in pay equity and uh… there are a ton of women CEO’s now running major companies…”
“I could be wrong, but I think most of the barriers have been lowered.”
“So I don’t grant the assumption that we need to sort of give preferential treatment to the majority of our population…”
“You know, maybe I’m missing something here…I think women voters are going to be looking at the same kind of issues that men are.”
But much like Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell doesn’t save his contempt for one section of the electorate. You students also suck and need to get over yourselves because “not everyone needs to go to Yale.”
Get over yourselves, America, by Mitch McConnell:
“I don’t think that the federal government ought to be forgiving debt.”
“I think it’s outrageous that it costs as much as it does, but I don’t think the federal government ought to be in the business of forgiving, in effect, obligations owed. That kind of mentality is how we ended up with a $16 trillion debt… So I rule out forgiving obligations that have been voluntarily incurred.”
“There are a lot of low cost options that I hope more and more kids will take advantage of. Public schools are cheaper than private schools. There is proprietary education, which works for some people.”
“I think more competition and shopping around for college alternatives is a pretty good idea. This comes from a guy who’s financed three daughters at out-of-state schools.”
“I think the best short term solution is for parents to be very cost conscious in shopping around for higher education alternatives.”
“Not everybody needs to go to Yale.”
It should be noted that originally, McConnell was reported to have said of women’s issues that most of the barriers had been lifted, but the reporting paper later amended the quote to read “lowered”.
Mitch McConnell doesn’t have a good record regarding women’s rights. It’s downright dismal. His own campaign has shown the nation just how not over sexism is. So it’s tough to comprehend the level of smug entitlement in which the moron encases himself. Nice bubble, but it didn’t work for Mitt Romney. It might not work for Mitch McConnell, even in Kentucky. They do hate Obama there, but they hate Mitch more and that is really saying something.
Mitch. Mitch Mitch Mitch. Who lets Mitch talk without prior censoring? This is no way to run a campaign. But this is the guy who told Kentuckians that it was not his job to bring jobs to Kentucky. That’s someone else’s job apparently. Someone with power, unlike a 30 year incumbent minority leader in the most powerful legislative chamber in the nation.

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