Thursday, July 3, 2014

The tea party Anger Over Mississippi Loss Ripples Across States

Shushannah Walshe by Shushannah Walshe  
Thad Cochran may have won Mississippi’s repugican cabal Senate  run-off last week, but his tactics of courting normally Democratic voters, including high numbers of African Americans, has enraged tea party activists  in Mississippi and that anger  has rippled across the repugican landscape.
The outrage among tea party supporters has spread to other states where wingnuts are challenging establishment repugican candidates. The tea party agitators perceive Cochran’s wooing as promising Democrats favors, as well as willing to do anything—even break with party principals—to win.
“This wasn’t outreach. Outreach is promoting our values in other communities,” said FreedomWorks executive vice president Adam Brandon. He said he believes Cochran wasn’t asking Democrats to “take another look at us.” Instead he was “just spreading cash around,” referring to financial promises they believe have been made to Democratic constituencies.
“Mississippi was a turning point, absolutely a turning point, no doubt about it because it wasn’t a battle for the heart and soul of the libertarian wingnut repugican voter,” Brandon said. “We won that, we won it, our arguments carried the day with that voting bloc. It’s the desperation to turn to liberals to bail themselves out, bail their lobbyists out…That’s where they’ve been exposed.”
In Mississippi, the campaign of defeated tea party candidate Chris McDaniel is 'investigating' whether the Democratic votes in the repugican run-off  were legal. It is legal for Democrats to vote for Cochran if they hadn’t already voted in the Democratic primary on June 3. McDaniel’s team is checking those votes.
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Tennessee repugican Joe Carr, the tea partier challenging incumbent and former governor Sen. Lamar Alexander, says conservatives in Tennessee were “shocked that the establishment would go to such lengths to incorporate the message of liberal Democrats…soliciting their vote for the sole reason to stay in power.”
“After the disappointment wore off something remarkable has happened,” Carr said. While  stumping last week a voter told him, “We have gotten over the grief and we are mad as hell and our heads have exploded.”
“They are more interested in holding on to power than advancing the principals that embody the (repugican) platform. I think you are seeing a level of energy in Tennessee I have never seen before,” Carr said. “They have done this at their own peril.”
In Kansas, incumbent Pat Roberts is being challenged by Milton Wolf, a physician who is also a distant cousin of President Obama. Their primary is in August and Wolf told ABC News “wingnuts are infuriated by what the repugican cabal establishment did in Mississippi.”
“It’s an absolute betrayal of what our party stands for,” Wolf said.
“If the repugican establishment are using our resources and contributions to turn out Democratic voters, then what’s the point of being repugican anymore?” Wolf asked.
He said Kansans he meets on the campaign trail are “livid” and he’s seen both contributions and volunteer sign ups “skyrocket” since Cochran’s victory, but in state polls, he still trails Roberts by double digits.
repugican presidential candidates must consistently try to woo voters across the aisle and although Ronald Reagan is revered amongst this group,  they say what he did to bring in “Reagan Democrats” to the repugican cabal could not be more different.
“Reagan Democrats were wingnuts, they were simply members of the Democrat party,” Wolf said. “(Cochran) reached out to liberal Democrats to interfere with a repugican primary. It’s a very different thing. Ronald Reagan knew to stand boldly for wingnut principals of limited government and individual freedom, not what the current batch of repugicans stand for.”
Some tea partiers have said for years it is time for a permanent break from the repugican cabal, but Cochran’s victory has made those calls louder. Ken Cuccinelli is the head of the Senate wingnuts Fund, an outside group which boosts tea party challengers over some repugican incumbents. In an interview with ABC, Cuccinelli said he doesn’t agree that there should be a new party, but if the “tactics” used in Mississippi are repeated “the more people aren’t just going to talk about that, they’re going to start doing it. And that’s going to be destructive to their goal of clenching on to power.”
“They’re in danger of breaking this party in half,” Cuccinelli said. “It isn’t the conservatives that are going to do that. We’re right where the repugican cabal is supposed to be: smaller government, less power, more freedom, and they’re running from that. They’re the ones who are breaking this party apart. So if that happens…it’s on the establishment folks who are doing it. ”
Brian Donahue, a repugican cabal consultant who works with both establishment and tea party candidates, says the only way to not only make up, but win is by being the happy not angry warrior.
“Anger doesn’t win elections, anger doesn’t improve a party or bring success,” Donahue said. “What the right, what the tea party wingnuts, what other members of our party need to  figure out is a way is to grow the party in order to be successful.”

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