Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wendy Davis Blasts SCOTUS, Says We Need to Trust Women To Make Their Own Healthcare Decisions

Wendy Davis 03312014 Texas tribuneWomen are on fire Monday after the Supreme Court gave corporations the power to make medical decisions for women at the behest of wingnut repugicans, because repugican cabal “freedom” and “liberty” don’t include women.
Thus, Democratic State Senator and gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis (D-TX) issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Hobby Lobby case, “Today’s disappointing decision to restrict access to birth control puts employers between women and their doctors. We need to trust women to make their own healthcare decisions — not corporations, the Supreme Court, or Greg Abbott.”
The repugicans are crowing about their “victory” right now, but what they don’t understand is they just gave Democratic candidates, and especially women like Wendy Davis, a new pathway to independent voters. Standing against birth control is an extreme position.
As the repugican tent grows smaller, smart women like Wendy Davis are there to own their reasonable, rational position of trusting citizens with their own medical decision. No sane person wants to hand the state power over their medical care. It’s ironic that the cabal of death panels has now become…
The cabal creating corporate death panels for women.

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