Sunday, July 27, 2014

Will repugicans Finally Admit the shrub was the Worst as well as the Dumbest President in History?

by Allen Clifton
While liberals have constantly said that the shrub was the worst presidents in United States history, repugicans have often dismissed those claims.
They couldn’t really use the economy to defend him since we saw one of the worst crashes in United States history as his second term was ending.
But one thing many of them did cling to was the fact that the shrub’s “war on terror made America safer.”  In fact, many of them still defended the war in Iraq based on the notion that “history will reflect back on the shrub for the great things he did to free Iraq.”
I wonder how those people feel now as Iraq slips more and more into the hands of radical insurgents who are moving closer to Baghdad, threatening to topple the government we helped install.
Oh, I’m sure they’re blaming Obama for pulling our troops out of Iraq.  I guess their “plan” was to just keep perpetually fighting the war over there?  Because that’s totally feasible.
Judging by the shrub’s “Mission Accomplished” moment over a decade ago, it doesn’t even seem he thought the war should have gone on as long as it did.
But now that it seems it’s just a matter of time before Iraq falls square into the hands of islamic insurgents, I think it’s time repugicans finally admit it – the shrub will go down as the worst president in history.
His biggest “ace in the hole” for salvaging the legacy of his presidency rested with his hope that perhaps Iraq would turn into a beacon of democracy and freedom due to his war.  That hope is essentially all but gone.
So what the hell did he do?  He never caught Osama bin Laden (Obama did).  His economic policies nearly sent our country into a second Great Depression.  He doubled our national debt.  He took us from a balanced budget to record deficits.  Over 4,400 American men and women died in Iraq based on a lie and now that nation is falling into the hands of those very same insurgents our troops died fighting (as many had predicted it would the moment we left).  The war in Afghanistan accomplished essentially nothing (until Obama got into office, then we finally found and killed bin Laden).  The American auto industry nearly collapsed on his watch (Obama had to save it).
The list just goes on and on.
Really the last hope the shrub had was for Iraq to become a strong, free democracy in the Middle East and history might look back on him and say, “He helped make that happen.”
Instead it seems history will look back on an Iraq, where over 4,400 Americans died to install a government we wanted them to have, that was eventually overthrown and replaced by the very same insurgents that those brave men and women died fighting.
That is unless President Obama decides to do something in Iraq to try to stop the insurgent takeover.
The repugicans, just finally admit it: anointing - (he was never elected) -  the shrub was one of the biggest mistakes this country ever made.

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