Monday, July 28, 2014

Woman unhappy about snakes that keep appearing in her toilet

A young Florida woman is unhappy snakes that have appeared in the toilet of her rental home more than once. Nineteen-year-old Samantha Rudd, moved into the mobile home in Moore Haven, Glades County, with her 69-year-old father two months ago. One snake was curled up in the toilet bowl.
"It's why we got this knife stuck in here because I think they come in through this hole," said Rudd, pointing to the tank in the back of her toilet. "It's crazy." "Its head was sticking out," explained Rudd. "It was trying to crawl out of the toilet and into the house." Rudd says she's contacted the police. "The police say don't worry it's not poisonous," she said. "I don't want to get bit by a snake on my butt!" And she says she's texted and called her landlord to get rid of the reptiles.
"No, no," replied the landlord, Carolyn Ramie-High, who says Rudd only made her aware of one snake when Rudd moved in. Ramie-High says she gave Rudd the number of someone in the neighborhood to get rid of it. "If there's a problem with snakes, there are people here that catch snakes and sell them for money," said Ramie-High. But Rudd says that didn't solve the problem. Since then, she says five more serpents have slithered in from the field behind her home.

"I don't think she should hire 17-year-old kids, who like to play with snakes, to come over and deal with them," said Rudd. "She needs to get a professional." Meanwhile, Rudd and her dad are on watch before they use the toilet. "I always have to stare down in there and just make sure there's not a dark snake I can't see," she added. Ramie-High says Rudd owes several hundred dollars in back rent for a place she was renting before Rudd moved in with her father. A claim Rudd is not denying but says the bigger issue is the snakes in her bathroom. The landlord also says she promises to check out the sewer lines and septic tank to see if any holes should be sealed.

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