Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Toddler Causes Chaos and Lockdown By Squeezing Through A White House Fence

A toddler caused a bit of an uproar at the White House by getting away from his parents and squeezing through a fence in front of the residence for the Obama family.
NBC’s Chris Jansing tweeted the details:
A toddler got away from his parents and squeezed through the fence at the White House tonight - causing a brief lockdown on the lawn.
The tot was rounded up by the Secret Service and returned to his parents. Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan delivered this instant classic of a statement, “We were going to wait until he learned to talk to question him, but in lieu of that he got a timeout and was sent on way with parents.”
Anyone who has ever had their toddler wander off from them at the store can understand what the parents must have been feeling. Imagine looking up and seeing your little one making his or her way towards the residence where the Obamas live. Toddlers are tricky, and a lot faster than they look, but mom and dad must have been a mix of terrified and embarrassed that their little got away.
Luckily, the youngster wasn’t injured and everyone can have a nice chuckle over the toddler that managed to “breach security.”

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