Friday, August 29, 2014

Bull rescued after getting stuck in phone booth

A bull became trapped in a phone box during a bull run in Spain. The steer, taking part in a traditional stampede through the streets of Santacara, a town in northern Spain, ran straight into the call box where it became trapped by its long horns.
"It gradually demolished the phone box and pulled it to the ground but it is still caught up in the frame. As it struggled to get out it got angrier and angrier," said one spectator. "Most people were fleeing the scene and trying to scramble to safety."

YouTube link. Alternative video filmed from different angle.
However, some brave spectators then grabbed the bull by its tail and help pull the by now furious beast from the box. Officials say the bull completed the run and was treated for cuts caused by the broken glass.
"He was not seriously injured and finished the run where he received veterinary treatment," said a spokesman. "Nobody else was injured in the incident. It was great people helped free the bull but I would warn against people getting too close to the bulls as they are very aggressive and injure scores of people every year."

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