Friday, August 22, 2014

Completely Rational Sentences You Could Say Today That Would Sound Crazy 20 Years Ago

At Ask Reddit, nepat1248 asks:
What is a completely rational sentence you could speak today, that if you said 20 years ago, people would think you were insane?
This is a fun question! Many people offered references to how technology has changed our daily lives. AI0 writes:
I store my contacts in the cloud.
Saintarium comments on the dystopian horror that we currently live in:
"I can't wait for Disney to finish making the next Avengers and Star Wars movies!"
Who could have predicted that Facebook would exist? Not sp0rk_walker:
All those people from high school you never thought you would see again? Well you still won't talk to them but you will see pictures of their kids every day.
Bkvm96 is ready to lead a cult:
"I have 2000 followers!"
GalaxyAwesome clicked on the wrong button:
Aw man, I accidentally liked her photo.
TheMobHasSpoken points out that, culturally speaking, we've advanced in some ways:
"You know what really transcends the age and gender demographic it was designed for? My Little Pony."

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