Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cowardly repugican Congressman Caught on Video Ducking and Running Away From DREAMers

Steve Pearce (r-NM) was caught on video literally running away, and ducking into a room to avoid questions from DREAMers.
Here’s the video:
When Steve Pearce (r-NM) was confronted by DREAMers who wanted answers about his votes on immigration, the congressman pulled a Rand Paul and ran away from his questioners. Pearce ducked into the safety of a repugican fundraiser while never once stopping to acknowledge the questions from the DREAMers of to offer an answer.
You may remember Rep. Pearce from the skewering he received from Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert last month:
Pearce was ripped by Colbert for wanted to send the refugee kids home while admitting that during his congressional visit to Honduras and Guatemala the House delegation couldn’t leave the hotel much because of the dangers. When members of Congress are running away from their constituents, there is a real problem. Republicans are so terrified of the immigration issue that it literally causes them to run and hide. Congress is supposed to solve problems, not run away from them.
The repugicans can run. They can even hide, but they can’t avoid the issue forever. Millions of DREAMers are here in this country, and they are demanding accountability from members of the House like Pearce. The recent House vote to deport them, only served to make the DREAMers angry.
This repugican act of flight marked the third time this week that repugicans have been confronted by DREAMers.  Steve King (r-IA), and Rand Paul (r-KY) didn’t come out looking any better that Pearce did. The repugicans are demonstrating that their policy on immigration is to talk tough then run as quickly as possible. The repugicans in Congress are substituting cowardice for leadership and tough talk for real solutions.
Our country deserves better than a group of cowards who flee questions.

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