Sunday, August 3, 2014

Did you know ...

That a woman overhears IBM execs say they wouldn't hire women because they get pregnant
That stand your ground laws lead to more homicides, don't deter violence
This asshole can't find a pen, writes entire NYT column about it
Hey, we keep saying this:  We don't mind if you're rich, we just mind if you cheat
Hey, keep your fingers crossed for the bad boss tax
That the first book ever printed in English just sold for over a million pounds
That alcohol improves your sense of smell - in moderation
About how to talk to repugicans about impeachment
That Darth Vader polls higher than all repugican presidential candidates
About the strange relationship between global warming denial and speaking English
That islam is just another scapegoat in u.s. history
That America's middle class: poorer than you think
Here's Chinese company that can 3d print 10 houses in a day
The world breaks temperature record for June after hottest May
About the subtle sexism in academia
That 41% of American women have been sexually harassed or assaulted in public
That the typical U.S. household is worth 1/3 less than a decade ago
That plastic trash islands forming in ocean garbage patch
About the largest sentence reduction in history approved for drug offenders
That as far as women are concerned, science has an image problem
Is cheap, fast internet possible?
13 things you need to know about social security disability as the repugican cabal tries to dismantle it

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