Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Did you know ...

That study: white people support harsher prison terms if they think black people have been arrested
That climate change is devastating Europe's forests
Just why does the economy grow more under democrats?
About the rape crisis on campus
That a plane accidentally sprays high school band with pesticide
That the 1% are literally rich beyond measure
That the worst pain known to man comes from an ant
That Coco the cat finds free wifi
And wooden coaster fans say goodbye to the Colossus at Six Flags Magic Mountain in social media
That NYPD's "broken windows" theory targets minorities
That parents of better-educated children live longer
Just why do our elites act like sociopaths?
Guess which country is the world leader at smoking marijuana
Is New York City going under water in the next few decades?
That a 'pro-troop' charity pays off tea party cronies instead
About the 7 truthiest NYT columnists
Whoa, stop the presses:  the rich run everything
That LinkedIn will pay $6 million to employees who worked overtime with no pay
And it's time we treat police brutality as a national crisis
That the government is the largest creator of low-wage jobs
Is this the end of reefer madness?
Fact Checker has "lost track" of how many times they've debunked climate change deniers
Here's 23 harrowing confessions about sexual assault in the military
And "man-feels park" by jane austin

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