Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Did you know ...

That Ferguson shows that white America is living in a parallel universe
About the reason health care is so expensive:  insurance companies
Here's more racist, anti-semitic emails are found in the gov. walker case
That some police departments classify assaults as 'minor offenses'
The Washington Post will no longer use the word 'redskins'
That fracking gets closer to water sources than we previously thought
About this study: white people support harsher prison terms if they think black people have been arrested
That Germany's green grid is one of the most reliable in the world
Here's inside the wingnut plot to derail medical marijuana in Florida
That the wife of a Texas anti-gay activist leaves him for another woman
That dinosaurs had the worst luck
Here's from the ACLU:  the first amendment is suspended in Ferguson
That children deported from our border wars are killed in their own countries
About going from from public service to lobbyist: the revolving door is on auto-pilot
That Exxon is building the most controversial oil rig ever
That lazy corporate monopolies are why we can't have nice things
Is your website being blocked in the UK?
What combat veterans see in Ferguson
About the entitlement of the very rich
Are we sure Ebola isn't airborne?
Tesla wants $500 million for its gigafactory
That 1 black man is killed every 28 hours by police or vigilantes
About the science of waiting in line
That the greens and civil rights activists bring coal to its knees in Mississippi

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