Monday, August 25, 2014

Haggling After Dark

The World's Most Interesting Night Markets
by Caitlin M. Kiernan
Cities all over the world are famous for their bustling street bazaars — you can haggle for spices in Marrakesh or buy local delicacies in Hong Kong. But the fun doesn’t have to stop when the sun goes down. In fact, there is something even more alluring and special about markets that sell into the night — sprawling outdoor shopping bazaars with stalls crammed side by side that offer up everything and anything one could possibly want to buy, from one-of-a-kind fabrics to hard-to-find medicinal herbs. Originally, these merchant huddles began in Africa and Asia where the unbearable heat took a toll on daytime trade. Today, they are destination spots for first-rate food, live entertainment, and one-stop shopping. Here are the top 10 night markets in the world. Add one (or a few!) to your bucket list.

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