Tuesday, August 12, 2014

‘Knockout Game’ Attacker Asked Man If He Had A Gun Before Punching

‘Knockout Game’ Attacker Asked Man If He Had A Gun Before Punching
A teenager playing “knockout game” punched a man in the face after he made certain that the victim was not carrying a gun, a Florida man told police.
According to a witness who saw the attack unfold, a teenager approached a man who was walking alone on Neptune Beach on July 31, the Florida Times-Union reported Friday.
According to the victim, the teen, who was with three accomplices, asked him if he had a “glock.”
While Glock is a weapons manufacturer, the term “glock” is also used generically to describe any type of handgun.
After the man said that he did not have a weapon, the teen punched him in the face.
Instances of the “knockout game” have been widely reported in cities across the country over the last several years. Carried out most often by teenagers — usually in groups — the goal of the so-called game is to knock a target unconscious. Several people have died during the attacks.
Fearing that outcome, the victim pulled out a folding knife that he was carrying and pretended it was a gun, according to the Florida Times-Union.
The attackers fled down the beach but were soon apprehended. The victim identified his attacker, who turned out to be 15-years old.

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