Saturday, August 23, 2014

Man snoozing in armchair woke up to find blood-covered stranger passed out on his couch

A man from Marlborough, Massachusetts, fell asleep in an armchair in his living room early on Saturday morning, only to wake up hours later to find a bloody stranger passed out on a couch across the room. The homeowner quickly got his wife, two small children and father-in-law out of the house and called police, who arrived and had to awaken, then arrest, Timothy Francis Benway, 30, of Framingham.
When police arrived, Benway, who was wearing winter gloves and covered in blood from cuts and scratches all over his legs, was still asleep on the couch and was difficult to rouse, according to a police report filed in Marlborough District Court. The homeowner told police he had fallen asleep in a chair in his living room at about 1:00am. He woke up again just before 4:30am and saw Benway across the room, asleep and covered in blood with his shorts ripped open, according to the police report.
Police said Benway got into the home through an attached apartment, where the homeowner's father-in-law lives. Police said the door to the outside was closed and locked, but the latch gave way when Benway pushed on the door. Officer Peter Richardson wrote in his report that Benway's injuries appeared to be consistent with a "highly intoxicated" individual walking through a wooded area, falling down and hurting himself.
Police took Benway to the station and booked him. Hours after the arrest, he told police he had no recollection of how he received the injuries to his legs. He also said he didn't know the family in the home where he was found, according to the report. Benway was charged with entering a building at nighttime and putting a person in fear, and vandalism, because of the blood on the couch. Marlborough District Court Judge Michael Fabbri set Benway's bail at $500.

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