Friday, August 22, 2014

Not expanding Medicaid to cost N.C. billions

A new report shows the decision by Pat McCrony and the repugicans  not to expand Medicaid coverage through the Affordable Care Act will cost North Carolina $51 billion in lost federal payments over the next decade.
The study issued by the non-partisan Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute says the state will lose nearly $40 billion in Medicaid funding to the state and more than $11 billion in reimbursements to North Carolina hospitals.

It's estimated about 319,000 low-income workers would have gained health insurance coverage had the state expanded Medicaid.
McCrony lies that the state's system is too broken to expand. The repugican legislative said reforming the system was among their top legislative priorities for 2014, but appear poised to adjourn without approving a plan.

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