Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Obama Has Had Fewer Vacation Days In His Entire Presidency Than Congress Has This Year

Barack Obama on vacation less than Congress
Here is a reality check for repugicans who keep complaining over President Obama’s vacations. President Obama has had fewer vacation days in the last six years than Congress will have in 2014.
According to CBS News Correspondent Mark Knoller, President Obama has spent 129 days of presidency on vacation. The repugican misled House of Representatives was scheduled to be in session for only 124 days in all of 2014. This means that John Boehner and company will spend fewer days at work this year than President Obama has spent on vacation in his entire presidency. The numbers are actually worse when one considers that the House is only scheduled to work for 97 days between January and Election day in November. Members of the Senate, like Ted Cruz, have had nearly as many days off this year as the president has had since taking office.
This is the point in any story about repugican hysterics about Obama’s vacations that the shrub needs to be used as a point of reference. During the shrub's junta, he took four vacations that were longer than Obama’s longest vacation. The shrub took virtually the entire month of August 2001 off. The shrub’s vacation was almost twice as long (27 days) as Obama’s current break (15 days). Ronald Reagan took a 25 day vacation in August 1983. The repugicans never demanded that the shrub and Reagan return to work, so why is it different for President Obama?
The shrub spent the month before the 9/11 terror attacks away from the White House. President Obama came back to the White House in the middle of his current vacation for meetings. Congressional repugicans don’t have a leg to stand on when they criticize the vacations of President Obama. Pretenders from their own cabal took longer and more numerous vacations, while their own work schedule has become noticeably lighter in the last few years.
The reason why the repugican criticism of Obama’s vacations rings hollow is because they deliver their remarks, not on the House or Senate floor, but while they themselves are on vacation. When these repugicans throw vacation stones, they are shattering their own glass houses.

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