Monday, August 25, 2014

Suspicious object at side of road turned out to be lightsaber taped to a stick

A person in the Mendenhall Valley neighborhood of Juneau in Alaska reported an unidentified object on the side of the road as a suspicious device.
The report on Tuesday afternoon prompted a police officer to respond to check it out - he didn’t know what it was, either. Police then dispatched an officer who specializes in Explosive Ordnance Disposal to investigate.
The officer quickly realized that it was a plastic Star Wars light-saber toy. “It was not explosive in any way,” Juneau Police Department spokeswoman Erann Kalwara said.
The confusion may have been in part because the plastic, expandable light-saber was taped to a stick and found in the closed position, she said. Kalwara noted the person who reported the device did not call 911 - he or she used the JPD business line.

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