Friday, August 29, 2014

Thieves took a nap and a couple of bear heads

A family cabin in northern Franklin County, Maine, is short of two taxidermy bear heads, two lawn chairs and three flashlights following an apparent break in over the summer.
The North Waterboro family reported on Friday that someone had apparently broken in and left the back door unlocked between their last visit in April and return in August, said Franklin County Sheriff Scott Nichols.
Nichols said the key to the off-the-grid cabin had been kept in the same location for decades and seems to have been used to open the front door because there was no sign of forced entry.
The futons in the cabin appeared to have been slept in, said Nichols. There were two stuffed bear heads that had been in the family for 40 years that were reported stolen. Nichols said it was not known whether the thieves were people familiar with the family or strangers.

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