Saturday, August 30, 2014

Why wingnut christian Homeschoolers Are Fighting Standards That Don't Apply To Them

Opposition to the educational standards known as Common Core has come from an array of tea party covens, wingnut (non)think-tanks, Glenn Beck, and the Koch Brothers' unAmericans for nonProsperity - and a few voices on the left as well. But one of the most active sources of opposition has been an unlikely group: a christian wingnut cabal that works to defend the rights of homeschooling parents.Homeschoolers are not actually covered by the educational standards. Still, the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) has spent tens of thousands of dollars in opposition to the Core State Standards Initiative, including federal lobbying, a microsite, and even a fully produced 39-minute documentary. According to a press release, "HSLDA has been opposing Common Core since 2009 and, as public concern over the standards grew, HSLDA Chairman Michael Farris decided that creating a film about the standards would be the best way to make information about Common Core widely available." While HSLDA has tried to present these public school standards as an "immediate threat" to homeschooling families, critics from inside and outside of the homeschool movement wonder if it is part of a pattern of fear-mongering by an organization eager to maintain its membership base.

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