Friday, September 19, 2014

72 Percent Of Americans Disapprove Of repugicans In Congress

In plain English - the normal people disapprove of reugicans
House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014, to respond to the proposals from President Barack Obama about confronting the new wave of terrorism. On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Republicans and Democrats in Congress voiced strong pre-election support Thursday for President Barack Obama's call for new authority to combat Islamic State militants in the heart of the Middle East. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) An astounding 72 percent of Americans say they are unhappy with repugicans in Congress, according to a recent poll.
President Barack Obama and the Democrats fared a bit better. The poll, conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News and released last week, found that only 54 percent and 61 percent said they disapprove of Obama and Democrats respectively.
The repugicans' approval rating has been terrible for years, and Congress as a whole is almost universally disliked.
The findings may not have a strong bearing on the repugican cabal's midterm elections chances. Recent polls show the repugicans have an edge in both the Senate and the House.
However, as The New York Times notes, the race is far from over. According to the The Upshot, the repugican cabal's chances of a Senate majority may come down to "who's more unloved, Obama or the repugican cabal."
As November nears, Democrats are doubling down efforts to keep the Senate. Last week, Obama told NBC's "Meet The Press" that "it makes a big difference if we've got at least one branch in Congress," even if they can't take back the House.

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