Sunday, September 28, 2014

After Doing Nothing for Six Years, repugicans Claim We Need More … Wait For It - repugicans

We are supposed to believe that "repugicans are working to create jobs for Americans. Democrats are working to save their own."…
The midterms are fast approaching and repugicans are scrambling to blame the Democrats for having done nothing at all to move the country forward since the day Barack Obama took office in 2009.
In a CNN op-ed, John Thune (r-SD) and Cathy McMorris Rodgers (r-WA) claim – and you wonder if they didn’t giggle helpless over their keyboards as they wrote –
Our cabal has heard Americans’ concerns, and that’s why we’ve put forward hundreds of bills to help grow the economy, create jobs, expand opportunity and give American families hope for tomorrow.
The repugican cabal has, of course, done nothing of the sort. But according to Thune and Rodgers, “The House repugican majority has passed one jobs bill after another.”
John Boehner keeps claiming that repugicans have produced 40+ jobs bills, and Nancy Pelosi’s office finally had to put together a fact sheet to disprove the scurrilous allegations that the repugican cabal had tried to create even a single job for Americans:
Speaker Boehner’s list of 43 so-called “jobs” bills includes:
  • 33 partisan, special interest bills, which are message bills to nowhere and are not “jobs” bills; and
  • 10 mostly modest bills with bipartisan support still being considered in the Senate; not significant “jobs” bills.
That’s how much repugicans love Americans’ concerns. As just one example of these mythical jobs bills,
* The repugican cabal’s Budget to Give More Tax Breaks to Millionaires, As Well As To Destroy 3 Million Jobs (Path to Prosperity Budget, H.Con.Res. 96) – Instead of creating jobs, this House repugican cabal budget is estimated to destroy 3 million jobs and decrease economic growth by 2.5 percent in 2016. The repugican cabal budget guts investment in America’s highways, railways, transit systems, and ports and slashes education funding. In addition, the repugican cabal budget raises taxes on middle class families with children by an average of at least $2,000, while giving a $200,000 tax break to millionaires.
Yeah, sorry Thune and Rodgers. Those just don’t sound all that helpful to the bulk of us who are NOT rich. Which is most Americans. You know, the ones you pretend to care about.
Since none of “Mythical 40 actually create jobs, what do they do? As explained earlier , “The list of “jobs bills” reveals that the legislation falls into three categories.”
  • The largest category is tax breaks and gifts for the oil, coal, and natural gas industries.
  • he second category is regulatory repeal, which is also another gift for big business.
  • The last category is attacks on Obamacare. Boehner’s jobs bills for veterans increased fees for services to vets.
But we’re supposed to believe “While Democrats stand in the way of 21st-century solutions that will move our economy forward, repugicans continue to advance them… We want to make it better.”
For whom? Not for you and me, that is for certain. The Koch brothers might feel differently.
If that isn’t fantasy enough for one op-ed, Thune and Rodgers want you to believe that,
Unfortunately, once these bills go to the Democrat-led Senate, their progress comes to an abrupt halt. Scores of jobs bills and other important legislation are currently gathering dust on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s desk.
The same thing has happened to Senate repugicans.
“Americans need solutions. But as long as Reid continues to obstruct meaningful legislation in the Senate, they’re not going to get them.”
In a classic example of blaming the other guy for your own deeds, the dynamically dishonest duo write,
While Democrats stand in the way of 21st-century solutions that will move our economy forward, repugicans continue to advance them.
The contrast between the two parties couldn’t be more clear: repugicans are working to create jobs for Americans. Democrats are working to save their own.
Really? How about when, back in July, you repugicans voted against American jobs by blocking a bill to end tax breaks for companies outsourcing jobs? I might be missing something, but sending American jobs overseas is a peculiar way to benefit Americans.
And what about that unfortunate little fact from just last week? You know, when, House repugicans screwed the American people by canceling jobs votes and leaving until November?
After a nearly a year of having done nothing, House repugicans have rewarded themselves by canceling all of their remaining votes and leaving town until after November’s midterm election.
DCCC Chairman Rep. Steve Israel said in response,
House repugicans are now abandoning any pretense of doing actual work for the American people, skipping town one day after doing the bare minimum required to keep the government functioning but blocking any progress for the middle class. House repugicans have proved yet again that they are only interested in doing their jobs long enough to stack the deck for special interests and launch political stunts. Democrats are committed to jumpstarting our middle class, not setting the government on autopilot and then heading for vacation.
republican obstructionIn fact, far from moving the country forward, repugicans have plotted to hold the country back. As Robert Draper’s 2012 book, ‘Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the US House of Representatives’ explained, 15 repugicans, “House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl…gathered at the Caucus Room in Washington” and came up with a strategy to make the Obama presidency a failure.
They planned to do this by obstructing the president. Not to move America forward. Not to create jobs. But to oppose everything Obama did so that he would not get re-elected in 2012.
That was it, their grand strategy for America in a time of crisis. A plan that – given we were in two wars the repugicans themselves had started and struggling with an economy they themselves had destroyed – was nothing short of treason.
David Axelrod tweeted at the time, and really, “appalling” just doesn’t seem a strong enough term,
“This is sad, appalling but not terribly surprising. A repugican cabal plan to obstruct from day one.”
It is not Democrats who have refused to work with repugicans, but repugicans who, on Day 1 back in 2009, decided that they would never ever agree with anything the president wanted, even if it meant exposing themselves as buffoons by opposing their own bills should Democrats ever agree with them.
As Earl Ofari Hutchinson wrote over at HuffPo in January, “the repugican cabal’s biggest foe in 2014 will remain the repugican cabal.”
Reading Thune’s and Rodgers’ op-ed, I can only think that Lewis Carroll could not have indulged in a more bizarre wonderland of the imagination.
You want to help Americans, Thune and Rodgers? If you want to help, don’t come back. Stay on vacation.

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