Monday, September 1, 2014

Animal News

With its spiritual pose, the praying mantis is a wonder to behold. But behind its vaguely extraterrestrial features lies a ruthless predator.
A veritable barrel full of monkeys -- five new species -- has been found in the tropical forests of South America.
New Yorkers are being treated to some dramatic nature-produced shows these days as humpback whales travel to Big Apple waters to feed.
Spry pup holds speed records in two categories.
Five new shark species, along with two species of manta ray, gain new worldwide protection next month.
Unusual fish that walk and breathe air turn out quite differently when raised on land, rather than in water.
The specimen, approximately 560 million years old, contains fibrous bundles that appear to be muscle tissue, an important evolutionary adaptation.
A tenfold increase in protected coral species was announced Aug. 27, with 20 new corals added to the threatened species list.

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