Saturday, September 6, 2014

Editorial Comment

We here at Carolina Naturally just wanted to thank our readers once again.

Recently we experienced some of the ugly that lurks in the dark recesses of the web - wingnuts attempted to subvert and pervert this blog because they did not like and do not like the fact we expose them for what they are ... no need to innumerate what here, suffice it to say, think of every ignorant, stupid, vile, venal, disgusting and dishonest thing you can and odds are you've just named a trait of a wingnut - several in fact.

We will continue to bring you insightful, hopefully helpful, and entertaining items daily while exposing that and those which need to be.

This blog is for mature minds - one's that actually function - and deals with all of the spectrum of human existence ... as such we do not 'sugar-coat' or 'varnish' our posts to fit into a ideology.

Which is a far cry from what the aforementioned idiots (wingnuts) attempted here with their diatribes and denials along with their demands of 'proof' because facts and reality are not 'proof' in their warped and delusional minds because if it does not fit into their spoon-fed pablum of pure fantasy it isn't 'real'.

But enough of that.
Enjoy Carolina Naturally.

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