Saturday, September 20, 2014

How many times do we have to bomb Iraq to save ourselves from Hitler?

It's just businessIn 1991, we had to bomb the shit out of Iraq. Because Hitler.
In 2003, we had to bomb the shit out of Iraq. Because Hitler.
In 2014, we have to bomb the shit out of Iraq. Because Hitler.
Of course, not everyone invokes Hitler. Invoking Hitler is just an extreme version of what's become standard fearmongering. But more than two decades after we bombed and invaded Iraq to preserve and protect freedom (or something), and more than a decade after we were lied into bombing and invading Iraq to get rid of the bad guy we didn't get rid of the decade before, we're being told we need to bomb Iraq again, to get rid of the bad guys who are filling the vacuum created when we got rid of the last bad guys.
When did Iraq volunteer to be the permanent test range for American missiles?
When did Iraq volunteer to be the dumping ground for old stocks of American military hardware, so military contractors can keep devouring American tax revenues to build new military hardware?
And how many times do we have to bomb the shit out of Iraq to save ourselves from Hitler?

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