Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Iranians Who Danced To ‘Happy’ Sentenced To 91 Lashes And 6 Months In Jail

Video Link
Authorities said the jail time was assigned for acting in the video and the 91 lashes are for defying Islamic norms, which prohibit “dancing with members of the opposite sex and women from appearing without a headscarf,”
This is what the wingnuts are trying to bring to this country - Utter Stupidity. Disregarding the 'song' - which is totally derivative, but that's another story - the people in this video appear to be happy and that is the 'real threat' to extremists ... people being happy means they are free to use their minds.
And that my friends is what gives extremists the willies, heebie jeebies, and the creepy crawlies all at the same time.
Hence the abnormal over-reaction - OK, the normal extremist over-reaction, which is abnormal.

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