Thursday, September 25, 2014

John Boehner Blames the American People For Being Victims of repugican Policies

John Boehner
Read the following quote and see if you can find the problem. Keep in mind that the person who said this had just taken off work earlier than any Congress since the 1960s for which they will be paid by you, the people they can’t stand.
“I think this idea that’s been born out the last – maybe out of the economy last couple of years that, ‘you know, I really don’t have to work. I don’t really want to do this, I think I’d just rather sit around.’ This is a very sick idea for our country.”
Translation: All you lazy out of work sickos need to stop preferring to do nothing because you are not too big to fail, so no bailout for lazy you. Not exactly brilliant timing for someone who just took off on a paid vacation.
The repugican  John Boehner (r-Oh) said this during a speech he gave at the American Enterprise Institute.
The press is not impressed, because rebranding fail!
Here’s the problem that’s been obvious to anyone with a brain: Republican policies do not allow the repugican cabal to rebrand.
Until they change their policies, the repugican cabal is stuck trying to justify giving taxpayer money to big business but not the people. This eventually beings them to a position of contempt for the poor and vulnerable, including blaming the victims for the result of Republican policies.
So, John Boehner feels entitled to not only be a complete failure as a legislator,but work fewer days while failing. For this he expects to be paid the same salary.
But the unemployed are lazy and enjoy starving, in his opinion. What else can he possibly say, though, given the fact that he has to justify policies that require the death of compassion and the murder of empathy.

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