Monday, September 1, 2014

Louisiana school hits Rastafarian teen with 'unlimited suspension' over his dreadlocks

The ACLU of Louisiana has come to the defense of a Rastafarian boy who has been suspended from school and forbidden to return until he cuts his dreadlocks.The boy was sent home from South Plaquemines High School when classes resumed Aug. 8 because his dreadlocks extended beyond the collar of his shirt, in apparent violation of the school dress code.
After he returned to school the following week with his hair pinned up, school officials told the student his dreadlocks remained in violation.
Rastafarians believe Leviticus 21:5 forbids them to cut their hair, and dreadlocks are central to their religious beliefs.
"The wearing of dreadlocks for (the student) is akin to the wearing of a religious icon by another student," the ACLU said in a letter sent Monday to the Plaquemines Parish School Board.
The student's mother provided a letter to the school superintendent from the 1st Cult of Rastafar I that indicated the boy's family were members and explained the importance of dreadlocks to their faith.
This is just another example of someone belonging to the 'wrong' cult - according to the so called 'christians' because everyone not in their cult is in the wrong cult - and therefore has to be forced into submission to the 'correct' cult

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