Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My fellow Americans, please stop being idiots

There's a poll out showing that Americans are scared:
The nation is on edge in the wake of brutal beheadings of journalists by Islamic extremists - with more Americans saying the United States is less safe now than at any point since 9/11, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll shows.
You know what that poll shows, Americans? It shows that the terrorists won. You are giving them everything they wanted. You are terrorized.
Look, I've said it before and I still believe every word. ISIS represents no threat to the United States. None.
Are there terrorists in this world who would like to give us a bloody nose? Absolutely. You know what? You've already surrendered an astounding amount of your personal privacy in the name of enabling agencies to reduce that threat. Stop being so eager to bend over and give the little that remains. You're already going through ridiculous rituals at airports and government offices and museums and bus stations and football stadiums and probably at the local Gymboree, all designed to give you the illusion of safety at an immense cost in both time and money. You've already given up everything from the privacy of your phone calls and emails to the ability to take some shampoo on the road. Don't get out the checkbook to buy more nonsense.
And hey, you've already left more Americans on the battlefield created by our shaking-in-our-boots cowardice than any terrorists might have hoped. You've already built a monument to our fear that's measured in a mound of bodies on both sides that would dwarf the Great Pyramid. Stop making our service people, and innocents on the ground, sacrifices to your ill-defined "they're out to get me"-itis.

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