Thursday, September 11, 2014

None Of The 40 'Jobs Bills' That John Boehner Claims House repugicans Passed Create Jobs

boehner-lyingSpeaker of the House John Boehner is claiming that the House repugicans have passed 40 jobs bills that Harry Reid refuses to past in the Senate, but a look at the bills reveals that not a single one of them creates jobs.
Boehner (r-OH) wrote an op-ed on Time’s website that blamed Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for the state of the economy.
In the last year and a half, the House has passed more than 40 bills aimed at creating jobs, supporting wage earners, and easing the financial pains that working families all over America are suffering with in President Obama’s economy. Where are these bills now? They are stuck in the Senate. Why they are stuck, is a question for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
These bills are not thousands of pages long, nor are they partisan attempts to slam massive, new, and unwanted federal government programs down the throats of the American people. We all remember the disaster that became Obamacare. Passing something before we know what’s in it may be the Pelosi Doctrine, but it’s certainly not a transparent way to govern.
Instead these common-sense jobs bills, many of them bipartisan, are aimed at strengthening small businesses, allowing working moms and dads to keep more of their wages, and helping our seniors and our veterans. But instead of working with Republicans on the American people’s priorities in September, Senator Reid will instead focus on his obsession with the Koch brothers. This obsession is costing our economy jobs and has turned the United States Senate into a legislative graveyard.
The list of “jobs bills” reveals that the legislation falls into three categories. The largest category is tax breaks and gifts for the oil, coal, and natural gas industries. The second category is regulatory repeal, which is also another gift for big business. The last category is attacks on Obamacare. Boehner’s jobs bills for veterans increased fees for services to vets.
Nowhere on the list of jobs bills that Boehner wrote about is there an actual real live jobs bill.

Boehner has given a list of 40 bills that fit the repugican ideology, but history tells us that cutting taxes for the wealthy, giving gifts to special interests, and rolling back regulations are three policy choices that do not create jobs. Speaker Boehner’s jobs bills would not put more people back to work. The House repugican definition of a jobs bill is different from what most people think of as job creation.
The only job that John Boehner is trying to protect with this bogus list is his own.

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