Tuesday, September 9, 2014

President Obama Hammers repugicans In Congress For Having No Common Sense

On Meet The Press, President Obama called out repugicans in Congress for not having common sense. The president pointed out that the lack of common sense has led repugicans to obstruct everything.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, here’s the issue. I think elections matter. I think votes matter. And given the fact that the punditry overwhelmingly felt that this was going to–

CHUCK TODD: You’re overtly pointing at me.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: That– that this was going to be a good year for Senate repugicans, because the seats that were up were in states that were tilting or significantly with– with significant repugican majorities. If we– if democrats hold the Senate, I think that should get repugicans to once again–
CHUCK TODD: You think that sends a national message?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I think what it does is– is to– to send a message to repugicans that people want to get stuff done. Their– their strategy of just obstructing and saying no to every piece of legislation that might help middle class families, that might create ladders of opportunity, that that is an agenda that the American people reject.
And that then gives us room, hopefully, to find some compromises. I’ve– I’ve said this before, Chuck. You know, if you asked me back in August what I want for my birthday, I’d say, “Give me a loyal opposition that has some common sense and is willing to work on some basic issues that didn’t used to be partisan issues.”
It didn’t use to be that building roads, bridges, improving our airports, improving our water systems, reducing traffic, those didn’t used to be partisan issues. They have become partisan issues, because you’ve got a small portion of the repugican cabal that is fixated simply on dismantling government or making sure that we don’t get anything done around here. And that’s why elections matter.

If that approach is rejected, then you possibly have two years where we can get a whole bunch of stuff done. And the good news is that despite all that obstruction, America’s made progress. You’ve heard me speak on the stump about this, Chuck. The fact of the matter is that on almost every economic index that you can think of, America’s better off now than we were five years ago.
The president hit the nail on the head. The repugican opposition in Congress is so ideological that they lack common sense. Rebuilding and repairing infrastructure is common sense. The repugicans claim that they want to create jobs, but companies and businesses aren’t going to locate in areas, or countries, with poor infrastructure.
Infrastructure is the key to economic growth and development. The repugicans used to understand this, but today they see every taxpayer dollar spent that isn’t a tax cut for a wealthy person or break for a corporation as “big government.” Taking care of our veterans and people who are less fortunate used to be common sense, but the long-term unemployed have been waiting nearly nine months for an extension of their benefits that isn’t coming.
It was less than a decade ago when basic programs were agreed upon as necessary by both political parties. The repugican mindset has completely shifted into a my way or no way approach. Washington isn’t broken. The repugican cabal is broken. The repugican cabal has abandoned the basic values that all Americans agreed on at one time.
If the country gives President Obama a Congress with an ounce of common sense, things will get done before the end of his time in office.

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