Saturday, September 27, 2014

Something’s Rotten In Georgia As repugican cabal Cries Voter Fraud To Keep Minorities From Voting

There is something ugly happening in Georgia as repugicans are trying to stop Democrats from registering hundreds of thousands of new voters by launching a voter fraud investigation.
georgia voter fraud investigationOn the eve of the midterm elections—with high profile Senate and gubernatorial races on the line—a group undertaking a historic effort to register tens of thousands of minority voters is all of a sudden under investigation by Georgia’s repugican secretary of state’s office. And the crime doesn’t quite match the punishment.
In a state where party politics often break down along racial lines, the fact that a group that aims to register minority voters is being targeted by repugicans two months before a big election raises red flags. Just two weeks ago, a repugican Georgia state senator lambasted a local official on Facebook for deciding to hold Sunday voting in an Atlanta suburb with a large black population. Fran Millar, defended his comments saying, “This is politics. It’s not about race.” Racist or not, it is in repugicans’ political interest to make it harder for black citizens to vote.
Democrats started the New Georgia Project, which has registered 85,000 new voters for the midterm election. Other partner groups have registered an additional 20,000 new voters. The majority of these new voters are African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and young people. In other words, all of the people that repugicans don’t want to see at the polls on Election Day in November.
The purpose of the voter fraud investigation is to prevent voters who are more likely to support Democrats from registering to vote. It is telling that repugicans never investigate voter fraud when wingnut covens try to register new voters. Voter fraud is the new Jim Crow and the suppression technique of choice for the modern repugican cabal.
A new SurveyUSA poll of the state shows that both the U.S. Senate race and the governor’s race are a statistical tie. It is a dead heat in both contests, which means that every vote will count. The polling explains why repugicans are so desperate to keep minority voters away from the polls. Even a slight uptick in Democratic turnout over 2010 could take another big step towards turning Georgia blue.
The repugicans can’t win on the issues. They can’t win based on popular support. The only way that Georgia repugicans will win this year is if they make the electorate smaller, whiter, older, and more wingnut. There is no voter fraud in Georgia. The repugicans are engaging in a desperate last minute tactic because they see the Senate and governor seats slipping away.
When Democrats vote, Democrats win, but first the right to vote must be protected from repugicans who are hiding their racial disenfranchisement schemes behind empty cries of voter fraud.

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