Monday, September 22, 2014

The Myth Of Liberal Media Bias Destroyed As Study Finds wingnuts Dominate Sunday Shows

A new study revealed what is obvious to anyone who watches the Sunday shows. Liberal media bias is a myth. According to data collected by American University, wingnuts dominate the Sunday shows.
Wingnut members of the current Congress have appeared more often on the network talk shows than their liberal counterparts. Senators and representatives from the lunatic fringe of the ideological spectrum have made 57 percent of the appearances, compared with 42 percent for liberals, according to an Upshot analysis of data collected by American University.
This lopsided distribution is primarily the result of three repugican senators’ frequent visits to the network shows: John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. Because of the repugican cabal’s control of the House during the past three years, its leaders and committee chairmen are presented with more opportunities to discuss the latest political news.
Participants in the 2008 and 2012 presidential nominating contests also helped boost wingnut representation: Paul D. Ryan, the Wisconsin congressman who was the repugican cabal’s 2012 vice-presidential nominee, made 46 appearances between early January 2009 and Aug. 3 this year.
The Times tried to explain away the distribution as slightly lopsided, but that was just excuse making for a pattern of systemic corporate media wingnut bias. Tim Russert is considered the gold standard among Sunday morning hosts, but during his time at Meet The Press, repugican guests outnumbered Democratic guests by a 2-1 margin.
The idea that repugicans are on the Sunday shows more because they control the House doesn’t wash. Democrats control the Senate, but John McCain has made 97 appearances on the Sunday shows since 2009. While McCain was racking up appearances, Democrats controlled the White House and the Senate.
Mainstream media doesn’t want to discuss the fact that there is an institutional bias in their reporting that has been caused by news being turned into a for profit venture, and the fact that conservative corporations advertise and sponsor the Sunday shows. The Koch brothers ran an ad two weeks ago on Meet The Press.
It makes sense that the corporate owned media would actively promote the interests of the corporate owned repugican cabal. The bias isn’t slight. The media towards wingnuttery is real and pronounced. The United States has been moving more to the left since the economic collapse of 2008, but the media has continued their wingnut drift.
According to Gallup, trust in the mass media has hit an all time low. The number of Americans who think the media is too wingnut has reached a new high. The myth of liberal media bias has been constantly reinforced by repugicans for more than forty years, but for two decades, the real bias has been against liberals. The mainstream press can try to gloss over it, but more and more Americans are catching on to the problem of the wngnut media bias.

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