Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Real Reason Why repugicans are ‘Outraged’ Over President Obama’s ‘Strategy’ Comment

by Allen Clifton
It was the comment heard round the world: the moment when President Obama stepped up to the microphone during a press conference and dared to say that he doesn’t yet have a strategy for dealing with ISIS.
Which is exactly what I think he should have said.
But all day yesterday, whenever I flipped on the news, all I saw was some repugican shrieking head incessantly obsessing over Obama’s comments. Which I knew was going to happen the moment I heard them come out of his mouth.
Although knowing that repugicans were going to harp on his comments doesn’t make their pointless rabble rousing any less annoying.
But sitting at home today, an epiphany came to me. I know why repugicans are so upset about these comments. Because it gave them absolutely no “plan” to bash.
Since 2008, repugicans have obsessed over one clear objective: opposing whatever President Obama supports.
But what do you do when he doesn’t say what he’s going to do?
Sure, they can bash him for not having a plan. But the ironic thing is, neither do they. 
Though that doesn’t matter. Their lack of a plan isn’t what’s important. He’s the president and “he should have a plan by now.” As if dealing with ISIS is set on some kind of a deadline. Just because they demand an answer, doesn’t mean the right answer is yet available.
Because what can they do when their plan of “just say the opposite” is nullified because President Obama doesn’t really say anything? Their only option for “saying the opposite” would have been to lay out a clear and decisive plan – and we all know that was never going to happen.
Look no further than Syria. Around this same time last year things in Syria were on the forefront of the news. For months repugicans had been saying that President Obama needed to take action. Then once he threatened to use military force, many of those same repugicans who were calling for action suddenly opposed it.
Because the truth is, they never expected him to threaten military action. And once he called their bluff, they didn’t know how to respond. Because, as we all know, agreeing with President Obama sure as heck isn’t an option for repugicans.
But mark my words, no matter what “strategy” to deal with ISIS President Obama ultimately announces, repugicans are going to complain about it. Because that’s what they always do. He can say exactly what many of them have been saying, and they’ll still say whatever he said was wrong.
Because it doesn’t matter what Obama says or does, repugicans aren’t going to stray away from their strategy of opposing anything and everything supported by the president.

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