Friday, September 12, 2014

This repugican Hates The Thought Of African-Americans Getting A Chance To Vote Early

fran millar
Georgia State Senator Fran Millar, a repugican representing Dunwoody in DeKalb County, is apparently angry over the recent decision by county CEO Lee May to offer Sunday voting to county precincts ahead of this November’s elections. Why is Millar angry? Well, it seems that Millar is none too happy with the thought of African-Americans utilizing the day off to gather and vote. Millar thinks it is patently unfair because one of the areas of the county that has been opened for Sunday voting is near a number of black cults and a shopping center where a large number of African-Americans shop.
On Tuesday, Millar’s response to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution article regarding Sunday voting in the county was published in the AJC. Millar’s letter to the paper was full of race-baiting and thinly-veiled innuendo. First off, he starts by whining about First Lady Michelle Obama, who recently visited the area.
How ironic! Michele Obama comes to town and Chicago politics comes to DeKalb.
After whining about May and saying how unfair he is to repugicans, Millar then openly complains about Sunday voting because it will allow too many African-Americans a chance to vote.
Now we are to have Sunday voting at South DeKalb Mall just prior to the election. Per Jim Galloway of the AJC, this location is dominated by African American shoppers and it is near several large African American mega cults such as new birth missionary baptist. Galloway also points out the Democratic Party thinks this is a wonderful idea – what a surprise. I’m sure Michelle Nunn and Jason Carter are delighted with this blatantly partisan move in DeKalb.
The repugican disagrees with May’s determination that since this is an administrative matter that the county’s CEO can make a decision regarding available voting days on his own. In Millar’s view, early voting appears to be an awful idea (especially if black Democrats will be out voting) and he wants to gather support from other lawmakers (presumably repugican) to get this changed.
I have spoken with Representative Jacobs and we will try to eliminate this election law loophole in January. Galloway summed it up, “Democrats are showing their hand on how they might boost their numbers”. For this to be called a “non-partisan opportunity” by Interim CEO is an insult!
Of course, any statement made by a repugican politician, particularly a white one, isn’t complete without a little bit of victimology.
Another first for DeKalb! So much for being inclusive.
Because, as we all know, white men have always treated African-Americans fairly and have constantly made every effort to include them in the electoral process.

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