Wednesday, October 8, 2014

10 Indisputable Facts repugicans Really Won’t Like Seeing

by Allen Clifton
facepalm-perryThe last few weeks the news has been pretty much awful. There have been days where I just stare at my television or computer screen thinking to myself, “What the hell is wrong with people?”
Now I know news is typically negative (unfortunately fear and negativity sell better), but lately it just seems like the whole world has gone mad.
That being said, I thought I’d have a little fun. And for someone who enjoys politics, “trolling” repugicans can provide a good bit of entertainment every once in a while.
So I thought, in the spirit of trying to have a little fun (and to be informative), here are ten facts repugicans can’t dispute.
Here we go:
1) Right now there are millions of repugicans benefiting from the Affordable Care Act – who still want it repealed.
2) Wingnut icon and legend Ronald Reagan tripled our national debt during his eight years in the White House. 
3) The shrub was the first president to lose the overall popular vote in 112 years. 
4) The repugicans control the House of Representatives despite losing the overall popular vote by 1.5 million votes. 
5) History will always show that President Barack Obama was in the White House when we located, and killed, Osama bin Ladin. 
6) They oppose birth control, abortion, homosexuality and women’s rights, while believing that government should be based on religious principles… and by “they” I mean islamic radicals. Though I bet most people were thinking of an entirely different group of people with similar beliefs. 
7) In our Pledge of Allegiance, the phrase “under god” wasn’t added until 1954. 
8) Tens of millions of wingnuts rely on Social Security and Medicare to survive – and both programs are forms of socialism.
9) During a 2012 repugican cabal presidential primary debate, wingnuts in the audience booed a solider who was currently serving in Iraq… and not a single repugican candidate on stage defended him. 
10) There’s not a single mention of god, jesus christ or christianity anywhere in our Constitution.
Alright, that’ll wrap this up.  I hope everyone enjoyed this list of indisputable quick facts that I’m almost certain will drive any repugican who reads it absolutely nuts.

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